ADDAMS New elegant & sexy! "Gabrielle" dress/panty in 30 diff colors on the fatpack hud!
RAWR! New "Coven" nail set & hand ornament set and "Cassiel" garter set. Each set comes with texture/hide & show parts on the huds.
MANDALA "Haramita Season 2" choker & earrings sets, metals & stone parts with the incl'd hud, resize on touch or with the hud. (circa 2017)
MOCCINO New "Jada" BOM Evo X face, tone Praline with "Lucid Lips" Evo X applier - 8 natural skin tones and 3 lip versions on the applier (tinted red using Lelutka's hud) [ Official web site ]
LERONSO BOM eyeshadow makeup set #9 incl's 10 color versions and are copy/mod allowing tinting abilities.
eBODY Reborn body
LELUTKA Evo X head