*asterisk = Thank you, sponsors!♥♥
*AZOURY New! "Velignis" boots
*MOCCINO "Symone" face for Evo X (lipstick not included)
DIN "Lana" dress in sizes Reborn, LaraX, Legacy, Kupra; PBR and non-PBR versions incl'd; at Reborn Event until Jan 7th.
*RAWR! "Consent" nail set & hand adornment set; texture hud in each set; sizes Reborn, Legacy, Lara, LaraX.
MANDALA "Kotowari" unisex watch and "Chunky Chain" necklace; texture huds in each, resize on touch.
FAETAL "Ear 104" earrings for SWALLOW Gauged S and XL ears; texture hud incl'd
STUDIO EXPOSTURE "Mirage" BOM hair base for Evo X w/mesh bang
VELOUR Picasso Babe "Slim Muse" BOM body
*EBODY "Reborn" body
LELUTKA Evo X head