MOCCINO "Bria" face for Evo X, tone Moonlight
YSORAL Lashes Diamond pack, texture hud w/color/style/hide-show for Evo X heads
YUMMY Hoop Set contains 18 earrings, unrigged/resize on touch, texture hud incl'd.
EFFERVESCENCE "Cresent 3D" tattoo BOM & materials kit
RAWR! "Eye of Ra" Necklace set & Armlet set - szs Reborn, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, texture/hide-show huds incl'd w/each set.
-[ PHY.K ]- 133 - Dea Pan dress @ eBODY Reborn Event (ends 5th of Jan) sold as fatpacks per body; texture hud has 12 colors for dress & belt and 4 metals (panty not incl'd)
EBODY "Reborn" body
LELUTKA Evo X head