LERONSO New "Olympic Abs" add-on in sizes Reborn, Kupra, Peach @ Beauty Event, "Elysium" BOM Body and "Ester" BOM Evo X face in tone Truffles.
RAWR! New "Consent" Nail set and Nail Adornment set @ Kinky event - opens Dec 28th, texture hud in each set. sizes for Reborn, Legacy, Lara, LaraX
LIMITED ADDICTION New "Octavia" jacket, pant outfit (top available/not shown) @ Uber Event, 20 colors, fatpack includes hud with colorways.
TRAM "N1224" hair - 4 color packs include resizer, fatpack comes w/ all 4 plus 2 bonus hairs @ Uber Event
EBODY Reborn body & Juicy Rolls add-on
LELUTKA Evo X head